T-Clauses202 Views
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Provided that:

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  • The liability of the Company under this endorsement for all damages payable in respect of all occurrences happening in any one period of insurance shall not exceed the sum of                        IDR 50,000,000.-/location and IDR. 1,000,000,000.-/aggregate.
  • The company will not indemnify the Insured in respect of liability
    • Caused by the Design Plan Drawing specification or formula of the goods or their containers
    • For loss of or damage to any of the goods or their containers supplied by the Insured
    • For the cost of repair alteration or replacement of the goods or their containers including the cost of demolition breaking out dismantling delivery rebuilding supply and installation of the goods or their containers and any other property (unless physically damaged by the goods or their containers) essential to such repair alteration or replacement
    • Incurred by the Insured as a result of the withdrawal of any good supplied by the Insured
    • To make any refund of the payment received fro any goods
    • Arising from goods obtained by the Insured on terms which prevent the Insured exercising his rights of recovery under the ordinary process of law against his supplier or any other party
    • Arising directly or indirectly in connection with:
      • Goods sold or supplied by the Insured to the United States of America or Canada
      • Goods which to the best of the Insured’s knowledge and belief are intended by the Insured or any other party to be and are in fact sold or supplied to the United State of America and Canada.

If notwithstanding the above exclusion the Company incurs liability to pay any sum as a result of judicial process in the courts of law the Unites Stated of America or Canada then the Insured shall repay to the Company would not have been liable to pay but for such process.

Subject otherwise to the terms of this policy.

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