Breakup Vessel Clause |
Cargo ISM Endorsement |
Duty Clause |
Electronic Date Recognition Exclusion Clause |
FAS Attachment Clause |
FOB Airport Attachment Clause |
FOB Attachment Clause |
Free Carrier Attachment Clause |
Institute Cargo Clauses (A) 1/1/09 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (B) 1/1/09 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (C) 1/1/09 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (Air) (excluding sendings by Post) 1/1/09 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (A) 1/1/82 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (B) 1/1/82 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (C) 1/1/82 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (Air) (excluding sendings by Post) 1/1/82 |
Institute Air Cargo Clauses (All Risks) (excluding sendings by Post) 15/6/65 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (All Risks) 1/1/63 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (F.P.A.) 1/1/63 |
Institute Cargo Clauses (W.A.) 1/1/63 |
Institute War Clauses (Cargo) 1/1/09 |
Institute War Clauses (Air Cargo) (excluding sendings by Post) 1/1/09 |
Institute War Clauses (Sendings by Post) 1/3/09 |
Institute War Clauses (Cargo) 1/1/82 |
Institute War Clauses (Air Cargo) (excluding sendings by Post) 1/1/82 |
Institute War Clauses (sendings by Post) 1/1/82 |
Institute War Clauses(Cargo) 11/3/80 |
Institute War Clauses (Cargo) (including on-carriage by Air) 11/3/80 |
Institute War Clauses (Air Cargo) (excluding sendings by Post) 11/3/80 |
Institute War Clauses For the insurance of sendings by Post 11/3/80 |
Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo) 1/1/09 |
Institute Strikes Clauses (Air Cargo) 1/1/09 |
Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo) 1/1/82 |
Institute Strikes Clauses (Air Cargo) 1/1/82 |
Institute Strikes Riots and Civil Commotions Clauses 1/1/63 |
Institute Classification Clause 01/01/2001 |
Institute Dangerous Drugs Clause 1/5/37 |
Institute Malicious Damage Clause 1/8/82 |
Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause 10/11/03 |
Institute Replacement Clause 1/12/08 |
Institute Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (Insured Value) Clause 16/7/28 |
Institute Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery Clause 1/12/82 |
Label Clause |
Letter of Credit Clause |
Mail and Parcel Post Clauses (for use only with MAR Policy Form) |
Mail and Parcel Post Clauses (for use only with SG Policy Form) |
On-Deck Clause (applying to imported cargo) (for use only with MAR Policy Form) |
On-Deck Clause (applying to imported cargo) (for use only with SG Policy Form) |
Open-Yard Storage Clause (applying to imported cargo) (for use only with MAR Policy Form) |
Open-Yard Storage Clause (applying to imported cargo) (for use only with SG Policy Form) |
Quarantine Clause (applying to imported cargo) |
Risk Attachment Clause |
Special Capture & Seizure Clause |
Special Clause for Air Cargo with Named Peril Extension |
Special Container Clause |
Special Extension Clause for I.C.C.(B) (1/1/09) |
Special Extension Clause for I.C.C.(C) (1/1/09) |
Special Piracy Clause |
Strikes, Riots & Civil Commotions Cancellation Clause |
Subrogation Clause (only applying to the ownership of the subject-matter insured) |
Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause |
Termination of Transit Clause (TERRORISM) 2009 |
Termination of Transit Clause (TERRORISM) |
Used &/or Secondhand Goods Clause (for use only with MAR Policy Form) |
Used &/or Secondhand Goods Clause (for use only with SG Policy Form) |
War Cancellation Clause |
Wild Fauna and Flora Clause |
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