MR 1206 – Special insurance cover: costs of decontamination for nuclear plants

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This endorsement forms part of section 1 a

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and is subject otherwise to the terms, provisions, conditions and exclusions contained in the policy of insurance or endorsed thereon.

  1. Indemnification

1.1. The insurer shall in the event of indemnifiable loss of or damage to property insured indemnify the insured in respect of the reasonable extra costs incurred to decontaminate property insured which has become radioactive as a result of normal operations.

1.2. The indemnity provided by this endorsement shall not exceed the limit of indemnity specified below.

  1. Deductible

2.1. In respect of each and every occurrence of loss or damage, the insurer shall not be liable for the deductible specified below.

  1. Definition

3.1. The cost of decontamination shall mean the costs incurred:

3.1.1. before it becomes possible to repair the damage proper, e.g. costs for decontaminating components exposed to ionizing radiation within the course of normal operations,

3.1.2. in order to make the damaged items accessible, e.g. for removing and replacing shields and protective walls,

3.1.3. for the purpose of protecting the personnel repairing the damage, e.g. for protective clothing, work breaks, or limitation of the exposure to radiation, etc.,

3.1.4. because damaged items cannot be repaired as a result of contamination and consequently have to be replaced,

3.1.5. for mandatory tests, checks and acceptance surveys after decontamination,

3.1.6. for removing and disposing of radioactive debris.

Limit of indemnity:


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