Fundamental of Reinsurance: How It Works and Mix & Match

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Fundamental of Reinsurance: How It Works and Mix & Match
16-17 July 2018 @Ayana MidPlaza Hotel, Jakarta
Facilitator : Delil Khairat, S.Si, MBA, ACII, AAAIK, FIIS

Level : Beginner

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Scope : Basic knowledge

Learning Objective
 To introduce basic concept of reinsurance and its relevance
 To understand how various types and methods of reinsurance work individually
 To understand how different types and methods of reinsurance can be combined to achieve certain strategic objectives.

Target audiences
 Underwriter, claim handler, risk engineer, loss adjuster and non-technical staffs of insurer or reinsurer who want to gain knowledge on reinsurance
 Junior staffs of insurers or reinsurers or brokers or regulator with no or limited knowledge of insurance
 Student
 Public

Pre-requisite : None

Part 1
1) Introduction to reinsurance
2) What is reinsurance
a. Definition
b. Function
3) Balanced portfolio: criterions
4) How reinsurers balance their portfolio
5) Why reinsurance: Spreading of risks/capacity, Capital, Expertise
6) History
7) Reinsurance market
8) Risk portfolio and its profile: personal vs commercial, homogenous vs heterogenous

Part 2
1) Types & methods of reinsurance
2) Overview
a. Types: Proportional, Non-proportional
b. Method/form: facultative vs treaty
3) Facultative
a. Proportional facultative: how it works
b. Non-proportional facultative: how it works
c. When facultative is used
d. Placement process
e. Example/exercise
4) Quota Share treaty
a. How QS works
b. When QS is used
c. Advantages vs disadvantages
d. Example/exercise
5) Surplus treaty
a. How Surplus works
b. QS and Surplus risk allocation compared
c. QS-cum-Surplus
d. When Surplus is used
e. Advantages vs disadvantages
f. Example/exercise
6) Facultative obligatory
7) Excess of loss treaty
a. How it works in general, how it differs from proportional
b. Per risk excess of loss: how it works
c. Per event excess of loss: how it works
d. Cat excess of loss treaty: how it works
e. Stop loss

Part 3
1) Important features:
2) Commissions: ceding commission, profit commission, overriding commission
3) Run-off vs Clean-cut
4) Risk attaching vs loss occurring during vs claim made/discovered
5) Reinstatement premium vs AAL

Part 4
1) Mix & match: using multiple types and methods of reinsurance on single risk or portfolio of risks
2) Why and how
3) Proportional solution
4) Non-proportional solution
5) Combined solution

Syllabus dan Formulir Pendaftaran terlampir

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