50/50 Sharing Clause

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In the event of loss or damage being discovered after the cover provided for any item of Insured Property under any marine or transit policy of insurance has terminated and if after proper investigation it is not possible to ascertain whether such loss or damage happened prior to termination of such policy, Insurers shall indemnify the Insured in respect of insured Loss, provided that:
(a) immediately upon delivery to the Project Site Insured Property shall be externally inspected for any damage; and
(b) the indemnity under this condition shall not exceed 50% of the properly adjusted claim, such payment to be without prejudice to any subsequent final claim apportionment which may be mutually agreed between the respective Insurers; and
(c) the Deductible stated in the Schedule shall be applied in the same way as the indemnity provided.

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1 comment

  1. Dear Pak Imam

    Mohon bantuannya penjelasan mengenai penggunaan clausula 50/50 sharing clause, terimakasih

    Dalam kontrak pembagunan / project, terdapat risiko yang dijamin dalam Polis Asuransi Marine Cargo dan Asuransi CAR. Jaminan Polis CAR mulai berlaku ketika Jaminan Polis Marine Cargo berakhir. Jika terdapat kerusakan atau kerugian pada material (kargo) yang sulit ditentukan apakah dijamin dalam Polis Marine Cargo atau dalam Polis CAR. Ya sudah disepakati dibayar 50% (Marine Cargo) : 50% (CAR)