A question some times arise in marine cargo insurance if a claim is attributable to risks of Jettison or Washing over board?
The deliberate throwing overboard of cargo, or of part of the vessel’s superstructure, equipment or stores, in the event of an emergency. Cargo or equipment might be jettisoned to lighten a vessel to relieve it from a strand, to stabilize it during a storm, or to get rid of flammables or explosives during a fire. (Washing overboard is the accidental loss of equipment or cargo overboard due to the action of the elements.)
Jettison: is the deliberate throwing overboard of cargo, or of part of the vessel’s equipment or……….
Washing overboard: is the accidental loss of cargo or equipment overboard due to the action of the elements
the fundamental distinction between “jettison” and “washing overboard” lies in the fact that jettison is a deliberate act committed by man throwing cargo overboard, whilts washing overboard is an act of the sea
in ordinary speech, the constituent of “washing overboard” is the action of the sea in heavy weather where the force of the waves pushes or sweeps the cargo overboard.
Looking at the term in its context in the list of perils insured against, washing overboard is distinct and separate from the risk of jettison and the others.
Should you have any inquiry please give me a call
Got it.
How about General Average act vs. Jettison? I’m still confused about these two.
Got it.
How about General Average act vs. Jettison? I’m still confused about these two.
Got it.
How about General Average act vs. Jettison? I’m still confused about these two.