Apa perbedaan ITC – Hulls 1/10/83 and ITC – Hulls 1/11/95?

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Walaupun sudah ada edisi yang lebih baru “ITC – Hulls 1/11/95” namun sebagian besar praktisi asuransi, agen dan broker masih lebih suka menggunakan “ITC – Hulls 1/10/83” Mengapa demikian? Apa sebenarnya perbedaan prinsipil antara “ITC – Hulls 1/10/83” and “ITC – Hulls 1/11/95”?

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Institute Time Clauses – Hulls Comparing the ITC – Hulls 1/10/83 and the ITC – Hulls 1/11/95 – by Hill Dickinson

The principal changes are as follows:

Clause 2 – continuation Clause restricted.

Clause 4 – introduction of a specific Classification Clause.

Clause 5 – an overdue periodic survey will automatically terminate the insurance.

Clause 6 – recovery for loss or damage resulting from the perils covered at Clause 6.2 is now subject to the exercise of due diligence by Superintendents and onshore management in addition to the Assured, Owners and Managers.

Clause 13 – prompt notice must be given of accidents which may result in a claim. If notice is not given within 12 months of the time when the Assured, Owners or Managers become or should have become aware of the loss or damage, Underwriters are discharged from liability in respect of a resulting claim.

Original Source:

Institute Time Clauses – Hulls Comparing the ITC – Hulls 1/10/83 and the ITC – Hulls 1/11/95 – (by Hill Dickinson)

Apa Perbedaan Asuransi Kapal Jaminan ITCH Clause 280, Clause 284 dan Clause 289 ?

Semoga bermanfaat ! Aamiin

Ditulis kembali oleh Imam MUSJAB

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1 comment

  1. Terima kasih sharing panduan oleh Mr. H Dickinson nya…
    Selamat berpuasa pak Imam.


    Sama-sama, Terima Kasih, Pak