Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance menjamin tanggung jawab hukum profesi untuk para professional seperti construction consultant, engineer, architect, interior design, surveyor, insurance agents, brokers, financial adviser, solicitor, accountant, lawyer, business consultant dan berbagai jasa professional lainnya.
Berikut contoh Quotation – Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance
Nama, objek pertanggungan, harga dan rate yang muncul dalam penawaran adalah ilustrasi semata
Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance indemnify the Insured against legal liability for any Claim for compensation first made against the Insured during the Period of Cover for breach of professional duty in the conduct of the Professional Business Practice
Here is an example of Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance Quotation, names, objects, values and rates appear on this Quotation are for illustration only
Please click Quotation, Links or Picture to open or download
· Quotation – Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance
· Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance
Should you have any inquiry please give me a call
Tel +628128079130
Picture, source: google