GOVERNMENT INCENTIVE G-Clauses|March 22, 2020by admin The definition of ‘Turnover’ is extended to include financial incentives or concessions
Gross earnings endorsement G-Clauses|December 30, 2017by admin In consideration of the premium paid, and subject to the exclusions, conditions
GARAGEKEEPERS’ LEGAL LIABILITY G-Clauses|January 1, 2017by admin To pay on behalf of the Insured all sums to which the
GOODS PURCHASED BY THE ASSURED ON FOB, C&F OR SIMILAR TERMS G-Clauses|December 31, 2016by admin I cover attaches under this policy from the time the goods leave
GENERAL AVERAGE CLAUSE G-Clauses|December 31, 2016by admin This insurance covers general average and salvage charges, adjusted or determined according
GOODS PURCHASED BY THE ASSURED ON FOB, C&F OR SIMILAR TERMS G-Clauses|December 30, 2016by admin I cover attaches under this policy from the time the goods leave
GENERAL AVERAGE CLAUSE G-Clauses|December 30, 2016by admin This insurance covers general average and salvage charges, adjusted or determined according
GROSS PROFIT G-Clauses|December 19, 2016by admin The insurance under this item is limited to loss of Gross Profit
GOODS IN TRUST OR ON COMMISSION G-Clauses|December 18, 2016by admin This insurance hereby applies to property as herein defined belonging to the
GENERAL INTEREST CLAUSE G-Clauses|December 18, 2016by admin Certain of the Property insured may be the subject of hire purchase