Asuransi Aviasi (Aviation Insurance)

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Asuransi Aviasi Menjamin kerugian atau kerusakan pada pesawat terbang.  Mesin dan atau berabagai peralatan lainnya, dan juga jaminan tanggung jawab hukum terhadap pihak ketiga. Risiko yang dijamin atau perlunasan jaminannya, antara lain :

Aircraff Hull All Risks and Liability Insurance

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Asuransi Yang memberikan perlindungan apabila terjadi kerugian atas rangka pesawat baik berupa hilangnya pesawat, kerusakan ataupun ada tuntutan dari pihak ketiga,  termasuk penggantian atas biaya-biaya yang wajar yang timbul sehubungan dengan pengamanan pesawat. Polis ini juga menjamin spares baik yang disimpan digudang atau sedang dalam pengiriman.

Aircraft Hull War and Allied Perils Insurance

Menjamin risiko peperangan dan sejenisnya atas kehilangan atau kerusakan pada pesawat yang tidak daijamin dalam polis rangka pesawat (hull)

Aircraft Hull and Spares Engine Deductible Insurance

Asuransi ini adalah mengasuransikan kembali (buy-back) deductible atau risiko sendiri yang diterapkan pada polis rangka pesawat (Hull)

Aviation War, Hi-Jacking and Other Perils Excess Liability Insurance

Menjamin Tuntutan tanggung jawab hukum  pihak ketiga atas resiko peperangan

Aviation Refuelling Legal Liability Insurance

Menjamin risiko yang timbul akibat tuntutan dari pihak ketiga atas kerugian yang ditimbulkan oleh tertanggung akibat dari operasional pengisian bahan bakar ke pesawat oleh tertanggung.

Airport Owner and Operators Liability Insurance

Menjamin risiko yang timbul akibat tuntutan dari pihak ketiga dimana tertanggung secara hukum bertanggungjawab dan wajib membayar sebagai ganti rugi baik akibat dari suatu  kejadian yang timbul dari sekitar lokasi kegiatan dalam hangar milik tertanggung dan produk dihasilkan oleh tertanggung .

Aviation Manufaturers Hull, Spares All Risks, Aviation Liabilities

Menjamin Risiko tuntutan tanggung jawab hukum atas produk  yang dihasilkan oleh tertanggung.

Crew Personal Accident and Loss of Licence

Menjamin cidera badan dan kematian daripada crew termsuk ground engineer yang disebabkan oleh kecelakaan dan mengganti kerugian yang timbul akibat cocpit crew tidak dapat menjalankan tugas sebagaimana mestinya.

Copied from Tugu

Insurance Products Glossary

Aviation Insurance

Outlined below are terms which are purely illustrative of the type of aviation coverage we write and should not be relied on as a guide to coverage which your policy may provide. Please always read your particular policy carefully to determine the extent of coverage which has been afforded by it.

Aircraft Hull Insurance: Physical damage insurance provided to cover loss or damage to the insured’s aircraft, while it is in motion, not in motion or for both. This type of cover will typically pay for repairs and reinstatement of the aircraft to the condition that it was in before the incident, subject to certain exclusions and policy conditions which may apply. If the aircraft is not repairable an agreed amount may be paid, known as the agreed value, which is usually agreed with the insured at inception and is noted in the policy.
Hull Deductible Insurance: Most hull policies are subject to a “deductible”, being an uninsured amount for which the insured party is responsible in the case of repairable damage to its aircraft. Hull deductible insurance is a type of cover which protects the insured’s exposure and thereby reduces the amount of the uninsured exposure.
Hull Total Loss Insurance: Provides cover in the case of a total loss of the insured’s aircraft when it is damaged to such an extent that it is beyond economic repair or has been totally destroyed. This cover is paid in full and provides indemnity for the additional expenses that are typically incurred by operators in replacing a lost aircraft.
Loss of Use Insurance: When an aircraft is damaged as a result of an incident which is covered under hull insurance the repairs may take some time to complete. Loss of use insurance usually offers a daily rate of indemnity over a defined period which is typically excess of a few days and with a maximum period of time and policy limit.
Spares Insurance: Provides cover for aircraft parts when detached from any aircraft. Certain parts may be detached for storage, overhaul or transport but still remain the property of the insured. There may also be cover provided for the “flying spares kit” as carried on most aircraft.
Aircraft Liability Insurance: Coverage written to protect and indemnify the insured for potential exposure to passenger, cargo or baggage claims and to third party liability claims including property damage, bodily injury or death caused by, or arising from the insured’s operations.
Airport Liability Insurance: Coverage that provides protection to airports for bodily injury and property damage liability and may also include protection for premises liability risks.
Hangar-keepers Liability: A form insurance that covers the insured’s liability for damage to aircraft or spares stored for safekeeping (but not owned by the insured). This cover will be relevant in any situation where a party has accepted responsibility for the safekeeping of an aircraft, including “in flight hangar-keepers” when an aircraft is being flight-tested.
Aviation Products Liability: A form of insurance which typically provides cover to manufacturers or maintenance organisations against liability arising out of products sold, serviced or supplied. The type of product which may be covered also includes software and training programs.
Aviation Hull War & Allied Perils: Coverage written to explicitly cover physical risks of loss or damage to aircraft arising from war, hi-jacking, confiscation, any malicious act, and other similar causes. It is usual that this type of cover is excluded from the main hull coverage and has to be obtained separately.
Liability War and Allied Perils Coverage: The war and allied perils coverage in respect of liability is achieved through a write-back endorsement to the Aviation Liability coverage (AVN52).

Copied from QBE

Lion Air

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  1. dear pak imam,

    untuk rate pesawat, Aircraff Hull All Risks berapa ya pak..??

    Banyak faktornya, Pak tentunya – harus lengkap datanya dan informasinya

  2. Apa kabar pak imam,

    Pak saya mau menanyakan untuk asuransi ground handling liability itu seperti apa ya? apakah ada produk khsusus atau jaminan perluasan saja? jika ada contohnya mohon untuk diinfokan.
    terima kasih semoga bapak sehat selalu… wassalam

    Tidak ada yang khusus. Tetap dijamin dalam Polis CGL saja.
    *Namun demikian banyak perusahaan asuransi yang tidak bisa cover. karena masuk ke dalam klas “Aviation” dan tidak semua perusahaan suransi menjual “Aviation”

  3. terima kasih atas informasi mengenasi asuransi aviasi. saya mau bertanya dalam produk asuransi aviasi tugu apakah mengcover biaya pencarian dan pertolongan korban ataupun pencarian badan pesawat apabila terjadi kecelakaan sesuai dengan pasal 62 ayat (1) huruf e UU no. 1/2009 tentang penerbangan? terima kasih

  4. terima kasih atas informasi mengenasi asuransi aviasi. saya mau bertanya dalam produk asuransi aviasi tugu apakah mengcover biaya pencarian dan pertolongan korban ataupun pencarian badan pesawat apabila terjadi kecelakaan sesuai dengan pasal 62 ayat (1) huruf e UU no. 1/2009 tentang penerbangan? terima kasih

  5. terima kasih atas informasi mengenasi asuransi aviasi. saya mau bertanya dalam produk asuransi aviasi tugu apakah mengcover biaya pencarian dan pertolongan korban ataupun pencarian badan pesawat apabila terjadi kecelakaan sesuai dengan pasal 62 ayat (1) huruf e UU no. 1/2009 tentang penerbangan? terima kasih