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In consideration of the payment of an additional premium as arranged, this policy shall also cover the peril of subsidence, landslip or landslide except :

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A. The first   Rp. 50.000.000,00 or 5 % of the Sum Insured, whichever is the less, of any loss any one occurrence up to a maximum period of 72 consecutive hours as from the start of the subsidence, landslip  or landslide, but ;

The first Rp. 5.000.000,00 or 5 % of the Sum Insured only, whichever is the less, in respect of dwelling house of any occurrence or series of accidents or occurrences up to maximum period of 72 consecutive hours as from that start of the subsidence, landsip or landslide.

B. Subsidence, lanslip or landslide caused by ;

–       Faulty construction of the building or structure

–       Faulty design of the building or structure

–       Soil damage due to human action

–       Nuclear reaction



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