Sebagai respon terhadap merebaknya virus corona (Covid-19), Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) mengeluarkan klausul-klausul coronavirus atau communicable disease untuk dipergunakan pada lini asuransi masing-masing sbb:
Recently issued wordings
LMA5392 Limited Automatic Extension – Prevention of Access to Lloyd’s of London
LMA5393 Communicable Disease Endorsement
LMA5394 Communicable Disease Exclusion Property Treaty
LMA5395 Coronavirus Exclusion (for use on marine and energy liability policies)
LMA5396 Communicable Disease Exclusion – Liability
JR2020-016 JRC Communicable Disease Endorsement
JC2020-011 Communicable Disease Exclusion – Cargo
JC2020-012 Communicable Disease Exclusion and Sub-Limited Writeback – Cargo
LMA5398 UK Property – Infectious or Contagious Disease Exclusion
LMA5399 Communicable Disease Exclusion (Casualty Treaty Reinsurance)
LMA5501 Political Risk Communicable Disease Exclusion
LMA5502 Limited Communicable Disease Exclusion No.1 – (Property Treaty Reinsurance)
LMA5503 Limited Communicable Disease Exclusion No.2 – (Property Treaty Reinsurance)
LMA5504 Occupational Disease and Cumulative Trauma Endorsement
LMA5505 Limited Communicable Disease Exclusion No. 3 (Property Treaty Reinsurance – Risk)
LMA5506 Communicable Disease Endorsement (For use on US Errors and Omissions policies)