ALL OTHER CONTENTS CLAUSE (in respect of employees effects Rp. 5,000,000.- )

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It is agreed that the Term “All other Contents, is understood to include:

  1. Money and stamps not otherwise specifically insured for an amount not exceeding Rp. 5,000,000.-
  2. Documents, manuscripts and business books but only for the value of the material as stationary, together with the cost of clerical labour expended in writing up, and not for the value to the Insured of the information contained therein and for an amount not exceeding Rp. 5,000,000.- in respect of any one document, manuscript or business book.
  3. Computer system records but only for the value of the materials together with the cost of clerical labour and computer time expended in reproduction such records (excluding any expenses in connection with the production of information to be recorded therein) and not for the value to the Insured of the information contained therein for an amount exceeding Rp. 5,000,000.-
  4. Patterns, moulds, models, plans and design, for an amount not exceeding in the aggregate Rp. 5,000,000.-
  5. Employees pedal cycles, clothing, tools and other personal effects for an amount not exceeding Rp. 250,000.- in respect of any one employee.

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