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Freight Forwarders
In summay Freight Forwarding Services are to include following sectors:
· Ocean freight forwarder / NVOC
· Air freight forwarder / air cargo agent
· Customs Agent
· Road haulier
· In transit warehousing
· Packing / Consolidating
So Many Claims
Getting goods from point A to B usually involves numerous parties in the supply chain. When things go wrong and substantial losses are incurred, who will be held liable?
Any number of parties can instigate legal proceedings:
· The cargo owner – your customer
· Sub-contractors
· Owners or operators of the vessel, aircraft or truck carrying the cargo
· Authorities
· Third parties to whom you owe a duty of care
Claims can be made under a contract, standard terms of trade, ocean bill of lading or airway bill. Additionally, third party claims in tort, bailment and statutory liabilities can catch you unaware. It is even more difficult when a customer brings a claim against you. After all, the success of your business depends on customer relationships.
What risks do we insure?
Freight Forwarders’ Liability Insurance provides full coverages for all sectors of your services, including but not limited to your transportation services, loss or damage to cargo, consequential loss, misdelivery, delay, fines & duties, and off course third party legal liability (see diagram)
Risks Covered |
Explanation |
Cargo liability |
Liabilities arising from physical loss or damage to cargo in your care, custody or control, provided that liability arises from an international transport convention or under an approved contract. |
Liability to customers’ equipment |
Covers liability for loss or damage to your customers’ equipment resulting from your legal liability. |
Liability for consequential loss |
Covers liability for consequential loss arising from a cargo or equipment claim made against you. |
Liability for misdelivery of cargo |
Covers liability in the event of an error or omission. |
Liability for misdirection costs |
Covers liability in the event of an error or omission. |
Liability for delays |
Covers liability in the event of an error or omission. |
Liability to general average |
Covers liability where cargo interests are required to contribute to general average and salvage and which you are unable to recover from your customer. |
Liability for fines & duties |
Covers fines etc for unintentional breaches of regulations relating to cargo, immigration, pollution or work safety conditions. |
Third party legal liability |
Covers liability for bodily injury or physical loss or damage to third party property resulting from an accident whilst directly performing your insured service. |
Liability for unintended pollution |
Covers liability for sudden & accidental pollution & clean up costs. |
Claim & Legal Costs |
Covers the costs of defending and mitigating claims made under the policy. |
To have a Quote for Freight Forwaders Liability Insurance is very easy you just need to complete Proposal Form and submit House Bill of Lading or AirWay Bill, and Company Profile for review
For Inquiry, Please contact: +628128079130
or email: imusjab@qbe.co.id
by IMAM MUSJAB at http://ahliasuransi.wordpress.com/
Source: www.qbe.com
Dear Imam,
Please be informed that I have completed write a book concerning P&I Insurance in Bahasa , and is currently available in the bookstore, Gramedia and perhaps in other bookstores the Author is me. Fx.Sugiyanto and the publisher is Salemba Humanika.
If you and other the readers of your Web are of interest, you may collect the book at Gramedia
Kind regards
IMAM MUSJAB: I must have one, Pak – Thank You
Dear Pak Imam,
Saya tidak bergerak didalam penutupan asuransi, tetapi kalau dalamhal klaim saya memang konsultan dibidang itu.
Customer saya, yang bergerak dibidang sea freight, air freight dan Custom Brokers menginginkan untuk dapat menutup risiko bisnis Freight forwarders mereka dengan Freight Forwarders Liability.
Tolong berikan saya Copy formulir questionairs isian yang diperlukan, dan berapa idea untuk ratenya pertahun.
Please response to my email address above. soonest as they expected me to response latest next week
Kind regards
IMAM MUSJAB: sudah di email
Slm kenal Pak Imam, mohon bantuannya mengenai perhitungan penutupan pertanggungan oleh penanggung, misalnya contoh kasus;
suatu pengiriman 10.000 karung kopi Arabika yang dipertanggungkan dgn harga pertanggungan 2 Milyar (CIF) dgn harga kondisi ICC-C 1/1/82 diangkut dengan kapal “Bahari” bertabrakan dengan Kapal “Sea Sun” yg tdk bermuatan, akibat tabrakan tersebut lambung kapal “Bahari” diperbaiki sementara agar dpt melanjutkan perjalanan menuju pelabuhan terdekat yg berjarak tidak lebih dari 3 jam, untuk itu nahkoda harus mengeluarkan uang sebesar Rp. 100 jt. kemudian kapal diperbaiki secara permanen di pelabuhan tujuan dan untuk itu dikeluarkan biaya mencapai Rp. 500 jt. Kapal ”Sea Sun” setelah tabrakan bias melanjutkan perjalana ke Pelabuhan darurat dlm waktu 2 jam dan diperbaiki secara permanent dgn biaya Rp. 200 jt.
Pada Saat Kapal “Bahari” sampai di pelabuhan tujuan (destination port) diketahui bahwa:
a. terjadi kerusakan cargo karena air masuk ke palka 50 karung kopi rusak dan tdk bias dijual.
b. Pada saat terjadi tabrakan ada 1000 karung kopi dilaporkan telah dibuang kelaut atas perintah nahkoda untuk mengurangi beban agar air tidak terus masuk ke palka.
c. Ada 500 karung kopi rusak dan dijual di pasar dgn harga 50 % dari harga pasar
d. Nahkoda mengeluarkan biaya :
• Sebesar Rp. 50 jt untuk surveyor
•Sebesar Rp. 100 jt untuk average adjuster
e. Sekitar 100 karung kopi mengalami shortage rata-rata 10 Kg/karung
Berapakah tanggung jawab penanggung yang menutup pertanggungan atas 10.000 karung kopi di Kapal “Bahari”
Dengan asumsi-asumsi sbb;
a. harga jual kopi arabika adalah Rp. 300 ribu/karung
b. Nilai Kapal “Bahari” sekitar 200 Milyar
c. Nilai Kapal “Sea Sun” sekitar 150 Milyar
d. Abaikan uang tambang kedua kapal
Terima Kasih Sebelumnya.
Imam MUSJAB: waduuh saya tidak kompeten menjawab perhitunganya ibu. alangkah baiknya ibu untuk menghubungi average adjusters supaya memperoleh penjelasan lebih details