Charterers Liability Cover

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The Underwriter shall indemnify the Assured Charterer, other than a Charterer by Demise, against those liabilities, losses, cost and expenses, arising from event occurring during occurring the Period of Insurance and incurred by the Assured in respect of the operation of the Insured Vessel.


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1.       Protection & Indemnity : Cover as per this description

2.       Loss of or Damage to Chartered Vessel (similar to H&M Policy)

3.       Detention or Loss of Use of the Chartered Vessel

4.       Contribution to General Average or Salvage


Open Cover

Where an Assured Charterer has open cover it shall not be necessary for the Certificate of Insurance to name the Charterred Vessel, but where the name of the Chartered Vessel is declared to the Underwriter after the issue of the Certificate of Insurance, the Charterred Vessel so named shall be deemed to have been named in the certificate of Insurance.



Source: QBE Marine P&I Cover

Any inquiry please call IMAM MUSJAB at +628128079130

Or email




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